Thursday, February 27, 2020

Vtiamin D Deficiency Developing, Implementing and Evaluating a Research Paper

Vtiamin D Deficiency Developing, Implementing and Evaluating a -Based Intervention - Research Paper Example The issue is aggravated with low levels of vitamin D. National Institute of Health (NIH) and the International Osteoporosis Foundation (IOF) guidelines recommend that a 800 to 1000 IU daily supplement of vitamin D to maintain >30 nmg/L levels and this needs appropriate interventions as the need of the hour as practitioners and health care providers need to enhance their knowledge base on the harmful effects of vitamin D deficiency. II. Relevance to nursing and the value of the project to the advancement of nursing knowledge Patient concordance can be improved by effectively equipping the practitioners with relevant knowledge on the need for maintaining appropriate vitamin D levels. Lee (2001) observes that at least 50 percent of chronic diseases can be prevented, and health promotion is a major concern in preventing these all-cause diseases. Health promotion is defined as â€Å"combination of health education and related organizational, economic, and environmental supports for behav iour change of individuals† (Green and Kreuter, 1991, Lee, 2001) in which health education is the primary concern. Health education focuses on health behaviour which is central to health promotion and is found to affect at multiple levels through personal and interpersonal health behaviours (Lee, 2001). Health of an individual is perceived more as an additive process due to the influences of environment, physical and psychological factors as viewed by Nightingale. Further, health is not just the absence of disease but a multi-dimensional concept that is more relevant to the 21st century health concern. It is also the major concern regards nursing, apart from the other three nursing metaparadigms: person, environment and nursing. Being a self-standing concept in the field of nursing, health is promoted as a holistic process for adapting oneself to social, psychological and biological changes through goal-driven behaviour to implement the four health models described by Edelman and Mandle (2004): clinical, role performance, adaptive and eudaimonistic models (Lippincott and Lippincott, 2008). Health promotion enhances the concept of health and along with preventive paradigm, forms the basis for health belief model (HBM) and further, Pender’s health promotion (PHP) model. Many of the other models of nursing and health care are based on these two models. As nurses engage in complex functions like health education, assist, supervise or carry out medical treatments suggested by physicians, their role in health promotion becomes is crucial and is based primarily on PHP model. Nurses play a crucial role in â€Å"the process of enabling people to increase control over and improve their health† (WHO, 1984, p5; Mackey, 2002, p4). III. Intervention: Analysis of Institution Unit X’s adherence to National Practice Guideline X within the past 6 months Describe selected intervention. Education training program as an effective intervention program is suggested for a target audience which includes practitioners, nurses, and other providers of health care. The nursing process is similar to the education process and involves the four stages: assessment, planning, implementation and evaluation. PHP model focuses on four related aspects of intervention: inputs, outputs, activities and

Tuesday, February 11, 2020

Housing Act 2004 - Empty Dwellings Management Orders Essay

Housing Act 2004 - Empty Dwellings Management Orders - Essay Example If one were to quantify the cost of empty homes, it would essentially mean a loss of approximately  £8,000 per year for each empty property which remains empty for over six months. This loss coupled with the fact that the number of homeless families in England has been constantly on the rise has been effective in instituting legal changes in the form of the Empty Dwelling Management Order (EDMO). Instituted on July 6, 2006 the EDMO gives the Local Housing Authority (LHA) the right to possession of property that has been unoccupied for more than six months. In order to obtain an EDDO, the LHA must appear before a Residential Property Tribunal to obtain an EMDO and must ensure the Tribunal that: When an EDMO has been made, the LHA has the right to do anything they would normally do in the course of managing a property. This includes entering the property, inspecting it and making the necessary changes to ensure that it complies with the ordinances in effect. It does not entitle the LHA to ownership but it does prevent the owner from entering the property, using it or allowing another individual to use it while the EDMO is in force. In order gain a full understanding of the scope and ramifications of an EDMO, it is prudent that we distinguish between the types of EDMO. There are two types of EDMO—an interim EDMO and a final EDMO. An interim EDMO is an order which last for up to twelve months and it obligates the LHA to work with the property owner in order to return the property to a condition wherein it can be occupied for residential use. If during this time no agreement has been reached between the LHA and the owner, then a final EDMO is ordered. The final EDMO all ows the LHA to manage the property indefinitely. Before a final EDMO is ordered the LHA has to present the Tribunal with its seven-year plan for returning the property to a condition suitable for residential occupancy (Department for Communities and Local Government,